Monday, March 17, 2014

Erratic House repugicans Have Officially Lost It On Obamacare

What do House repugicans want to do with Obamacare? Depends on the day..
Last week, they passed a repeal of the law's individual mandate, pure political showmanship that appealed to the right-wing base that hasn't given up the dream of fully repealing the law.
But Tuesday they're expected to pass three minor tweaks to the law, with Democratic support -- a rare bit of actual governing for the House when it comes to the Affordable Care Act.
Hold on, though. They're not done yet.
Later this week they'll hold payments to doctors under Medicare hostage unless Democrats agree to delay Obamacare's individual mandate to buy health insurance, a non-starter with the Democratic Senate and the White House.
If your head's spinning, that's life for House repugicans and the health care reform law. They're all over the place.

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