Sunday, March 23, 2014

Faux News and Lush Dimbulb Blow a Gasket Because Obama Filled Out an NCAA Tourney Bracket

Faux News and Lush Dimbulb have completely lost their minds over the fact that President Obama filled out an NCAA men’s basketball tournament bracket.
Lush Dimbulb claimed that while Obama was filling out his bracket, Putin was rebuilding the Soviet Union:
Dimbulb said, “Well, here’s a headline that says it all: “Vladimir Putin Redraws Russian Borders; Obama Unveils Bracket Picks.” Does that not say it all? Vladimir Putin is reassembling the Soviet Union, and while all that’s going on, Obama is filling out his March Madness bracket picks. In fact, that is such a big story that CNN broke away from the coverage of the Malaysian airliner disappearance to report on Obama filling out his NCAA March Madness bracket picks.”
Faux News dedicated to multiple segments to the president’s dooming of the republic by filling out a bracket.
On Special Report with Bret Baier, Steve Hayes said, “This is a disgrace. The way that the President of the United States and his administration is handling this is so unserious on so many different levels. You heard from the NATO Secretary General that this is a crisis, it’s a crisis like we haven’t seen in decades. What’s President Obama doing? He’s filling out his NCAA bracket. He’s hosting a film ceremony for Cesar Chavez. This is not a serious response to what is, I think, a real crisis.”
The Five spent a whole segment claiming that Obama’s March Madness is destroying America:
Republicans have completely lost their minds over President Obama’s bracket. No one, but the most diehard of Obama haters, would see the president filling out a tourney bracket as the moment when America reached its valley of steepest decline.
A different kind of March Madness has infected the right. Obama hate has finally driven them over the edge. The great hypocrisy hidden in Faux News’ criticism is that they didn’t have a word to say about President Obama giving an interview on Super Bowl, but this is because the Super Bowl was on Faux, and the interviewer was Swill O’Really.
This style of senseless petty bashing makes repugican cabal look like a bunch of frothing lunatics and goes a long way towards explaining why they keep losing presidential elections.
The repugicans, and their media, have gone insane.

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