Gujarat's Standard 8 social science textbook, which is reportedly being used by more than 50,000 students, is said to be particularly bad. The Gujarat government has ordered a probe, but not yet withdrawn the books. "We have set up a two-member committee to look into these errors and make changes immediately," State Education Minister Bhupendrasinh Chudasama said in a statement.
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Indian school textbooks say 'Japan nuked America'
Parents and students in India's western state of Gujarat are up in arms over school textbooks full of glaring errors.
The textbook makes statements such as: "Japan dropped atomic bomb on
America during World War II," and "Proportion of poisonous gas CO3 has
increased due to cutting of trees," as well as "Mahatma Gandhi was
assassinated on October 30, 1948." It has more than 120 factual,
spelling and grammatical mistakes. In fact, carbon trioxide is not
normally found in nature, and India's independence leader was killed on
30 January 1948.
Gujarat's Standard 8 social science textbook, which is reportedly being used by more than 50,000 students, is said to be particularly bad. The Gujarat government has ordered a probe, but not yet withdrawn the books. "We have set up a two-member committee to look into these errors and make changes immediately," State Education Minister Bhupendrasinh Chudasama said in a statement.
But for some, this is too little, too late. "This clearly is the reflection
of the competency of the writers of the book... there should have been some
semblance of sensibility while clearing the draft of these books," Nirav
Thakkar, the principal of a school in Gujarat's largest city Ahmedabad said.
Gujarat's Standard 8 social science textbook, which is reportedly being used by more than 50,000 students, is said to be particularly bad. The Gujarat government has ordered a probe, but not yet withdrawn the books. "We have set up a two-member committee to look into these errors and make changes immediately," State Education Minister Bhupendrasinh Chudasama said in a statement.
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