Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Lush Dimbulb Tells His Ugliest Lie Ever With Speculation That Obama Waterboards Reporters

Lush Dimbulb told his most deplorable lie yet when he speculated that President Obama threatened the family of, and waterboarded a local reporter who inaccurately reported that White House reporters give their questions to Jay Carney before press conferences.
Dimbulb picked up on local TV reporter in Catherina Anaya’s claim that White House reporters give their press conference questions to Press Secretary Jay Carney in advance, “One of the things I found interesting is reporters and correspondents, unless it is breaking news, they provide questions to him in advance so he is already preparing for the answer.”
Catherina Anaya
Her claim sparked a quick rebuke from Carney, liberal and wingnut White House journalists. Anaya has apologized  for her bad reporting.
Not knowing the woman we cannot say as to her qualifications for her job, but her 'reporting' in this case does seem to be woefully lacking. Although knowing our current societal 'norms' we can say the possibility exists that her 'qualifications' have nothing to do with actually being a competent journalist. Which may be the worst thing about this entire peccadillo - Lush Dimbulb not withstanding. 

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