Monday, March 10, 2014

Man suing Las Vegas casino for letting him gamble while really drunk

The Downtown Grand in Las Vegas has been open for just a few months, but it is already facing a lawsuit.
Mark Johnston says the resort cheated him out of $500,000, which he lost gambling during Super Bowl weekend. Johnston, who says he had too much to drink before wagering that money, says the resort should not have let him gamble.

Gaming regulations stipulate a casino can be disciplined for allowing a visibly drunk person to gamble. Johnston says while he doesn't expect any sympathy from others, he still feels wronged.

“I feel like they picked my pockets,” he said. “I feel like they took a drunk guy . . . like a drunk guy walking down the street, and you reach in his pockets and grab all his money.” The Downtown Grand does not comment on pending litigation. Johnston says the Gaming Control Board is investigating.

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