Sunday, March 2, 2014

More proof that poor people can't be blamed for federal deficit

If news entertainment programming was produced and disseminated by poor people, I wonder if it would be the rich who are blamed by most media consumers when it comes to our federal deficit. According to a new Senate Report, a Swiss bank called Credit Suisee has helped wealthy clients defraud the American people of billions of dollars over the course of many years, and, refuses to cooperate with Justice Department to bring the tax evaders to justice.
Danielle Douglas reports for The Washington Post:
"Swiss banking giant Credit ­Suisse helped wealthy Americans hide billions of dollars from U.S. tax collectors for several years and federal prosecutors have done little to hold violators accountable, according to a U.S. Senate subcommittee report due out Wednesday.
"The allegations were particularly stunning in the face of the budget cuts and deficits that the United States faces, lawmakers said. The report casts the Justice Department as a hapless enforcer that has dragged its feet in getting Credit Suisse to turn over the names of some 22,000 U.S. customers."

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