Sunday, March 16, 2014

Terrified girl called police after mistaking chameleon for a crocodile

A terrified girl in Abu Dhabi made an emergency call to police after she thought she had spotted a crocodile in her back garden, only for officers to find it was a chameleon. She called the police operations room to tell them the creature was flapping its tongue and about to attack her.

Police mobilized forces and arrived at the property, where they found that it was just her neighbor pet chameleon that had escaped. The distressed girl was calmed down by a policewoman. A police spokesman said the force takes all reports of escaped animals seriously. He asked pet owners to ensure their animals are properly restrained to avoid them escaping and causing alarm to the community.
A wildlife expert said although it was the first time she had heard of someone mistaking a chameleon for a crocodile, it wasn’t an impossible presumption if the person hadn’t seen either animal in real life. “Chameleons and crocodiles are physically very different,” said Cynthia Barwise Joubert, head of invertebrates at the Sharjah Wildlife and Breeding Center.

“It really depends on what people know and don’t know. It is very possible for a crocodile to get into a garden in the UAE. Animals escape because people hold them illegally. They release them either because they have had enough or they escape because they don’t have proper enclosures. There are a lot of animals which shouldn’t be in this country.” She said people regularly mixed up different species of animals spotted in the wild.

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