Friday, March 21, 2014

Texas repugicans Don’t Support Equal Pay Because ‘Men Are Better Negotiators’

The Chief repugican gubernatorial candidate Greg Abbott ally and the Executive Director of the Texas repugican cabal tried to explain why Abbott refuses to get behind equal pay…
Beth Cubriel
Ladies, Texas repugicans love you but they just can’t get behind legislation that would make it possible for you to sue if you found out you were being given the shaft regarding equal pay, because you suck as negotiators.
To wit, here is chief repugican gubernatorial candidate Greg Abbott ally Beth Cubriel, the Executive Director of the Texas repugican cabal, trying to explain why Abbott refuses to get behind equal pay for women. Turns out you all are just really bad negotiators.
Watch here:
“Men are better negotiators. I would encourage women, instead of pursuing the courts for action, to become better negotiators,” Beth Cubriel explained to YNN’s Capital Tonight.
Ms. Cubriel felt the need to explain things more clearly, just 24 hours after Cari Christman, the Executive Director of the Texas repugican cabal Women’s PAC, tried and failed to make binders full of women sit down and shut up about equal pay by saying they were too “busy” to care about equal pay.
Stop whining about the fact that Texas women make 82 cents on the dollar compared to men, ladies. If only you girls knew how to negotiate, which is covered in the class right after shutting-that-rape-down. It should be easy to find on your calendar since it comes on the same day as the rape lemonade class, where repugicans explain that while they fought against reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act, they encourage you ladies to make lemonade out of those rapes.
Democratic gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis campaign spokeswoman Rebecca Acuna responded to Beth Cubriel’s remarks in a statement, “Greg Abbott’s allies’ defense of his opposition to equal pay for women is out-of-touch and offensive. Texans deserve a governor like Wendy Davis who will fight for economic fairness for all hardworking families instead of Greg Abbott’s business as usual hostility to fair pay legislation.”
The Texas legislature passed the Lilly Ledbetter Act that would allow women and minorities to sue in court if they are being paid less for the same job as men, but repugican Governor Rick Perry shut that whole business down. We can’t have pesky lawsuits, ladies.
Texas businesses can’t negotiate, and hence need repugicans to veto laws that would require them to negotiate with women, who repugicans tell us suck at negotiating. This is confusing. But women don’t need laws to protect them like businesses do, because they suck at negotiating. Lost in a repugican cabal logic fail.
Maybe if you Texas girls could negotiate like a man, you too could get the same protections Texas repugicans give legally to businesses, in order to protect them from scary Texas girls who want to be paid what others are paid for doing the same job. Just a full circle repugican policy thought to ponder.
Buck up, girls of Texas. The repugicans are sure you’re too busy working and raising a family to care about getting paid what you deserve.
Maybe another repugican needs to step up to the plate to try this explaining thing again, because they seem so sure that it’s just the words they are using and not the actual fact that they do not support equal pay for women that is causing all of this drama.
The intentions can be seen in the policies and laws. Texas repglicans have made it clear that they intend to protect businesses from women legally. They can’t trust businesses to negotiate with women, so they need to protect businesses legally.

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