Monday, March 24, 2014

Toilets in tree violate County's rubbish ordinance

Neighbors near Security in Colorado are arguing over whether toilets hanging from a tree are art or junk. And now El Paso County Code Enforcement have stepped in.

Angela Johnson called the County last weekend complaining about two toilets and a sink hanging in her next door neighbor's tree. The homeowners say it's art and that the toilets will be a bird feeder, but Jackson said, "I believe this is not art decor. This is a violation of the rubbish ordinance."
"I've never seen anything in a tree. This I have to say after 14 years is a first,” said El Paso County Code Enforcement Officer Gayle Jackson. After learning they are violating county code the homeowner said he will take the commodes down, but he says he wants to keep them on his property.

The homeowners will have to talk with the County about where they're allowed to keep the toilets. The homeowners have 10 days to respond to the violation notice. If they don't respond in time, the case will go to the El Paso County Board of Commissioners. It could then possibly end up in court.

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