Thursday, March 13, 2014

We will pay for these transgressions ..

... or our children, will pay and someday soon.

by Emily Atkin  
While all eyes in America were turned to President Obama's looming decision on the Keystone XL pipeline, Canadian regulators on Thursday approved their own, smaller version - a pipeline that would for the first time directly connect Alberta's tar sands to Montreal.
Canada's National Energy Board have approved a proposal by Enbridge Inc. to allow the reversal and expansion of their Line 9 pipeline. The "reversal" means that the pipeline can now carry crude oil east rather than west. The "expansion" means it can now also carry tar sands oil from Alberta - the same type of oil that would be transported by the Keystone XL pipeline if approved.
With the reversal and expansion approved, environmentalists say the controversial tar sands oil can now be pumped almost to the New England border. This is because on one side, Enbridge's Line 9 connects to a pipeline that carries tar sands. On the other side, Line 9 connects to a 236-mile-long line pump from Montreal to Portland, Maine. The National Resources Defense Council says that Portland connection has been targeted by the tar sands industry as a way for getting the oil into the United States via New England.

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