Monday, April 7, 2014

13 Awesome Ways To Use Hot Sauce

1. Add a splash to your favorite ice cream recipe.
Add a splash to your favorite ice cream recipe.
Spicy, sweet, creamy, intense. Best paired with vanilla, chocolate, or peach.
2. Try it over fruit salad.
Try it over fruit salad.
Such an awesome flavor punch.
3. Casually douse your sandwiches.
13 Awesome Ways To Use Hot Sauce
4. Add it to some chocolate mole sauce with chicken.
Add it to some chocolate mole sauce with chicken.
Chocolate + chili = heaven.
5. How about a refreshing spicy lemonade?
How about a refreshing spicy lemonade?
Hot sauce + lemonade + salt. Add lychees for an extra flavor punch. Also tastes great as a sorbet.
6. Apply liberally to popcorn.
7. Swirl it into soup!
Swirl it into soup!
Recommended pairing: butternut squash soup.
8. Whip it up with heavy cream.
Whip it up with heavy cream.
Intense whipped cream. Perfect with cornbread or savory pancakes.
9. Sprinkle over raw oysters.
Adds a nice acidity, heat, AND kills a small amount of bacteria.
10. Add a spoonful to pickling or brining solutions.
Add a spoonful to pickling or brining solutions.
11. Stir with honey and smother over chicken and waffles.
Stir with honey and smother over chicken and waffles.
12. Add a dash to caramel and drizzle over your dessert of choice.
Add a dash to caramel and drizzle over your dessert of choice.
The BEST way to top off a meal.
13. Mix it in with other condiments!
Mix it in with other condiments!
Spicy mayo. Spicy ketchup. Spicy ranch. Spicy BBQ sauce. Spicy marinara. The goodness never ends.

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