Monday, April 7, 2014

7 Inconsequentially Cool Things From Movies That Took Way Too Long To Film

Some filmmakers will go the extra mile -or an extra year- the make their movie perfect. Sometimes it’s because they did not realize how difficult or time-consuming an effect would be, and once some time is spent, it doesn’t seem right to abandon the process (the law of diminishing returns). For others, it was part of their vision, and had to be just right. Some of these budget-busting effects ended up being fairly inconsequential to the finished movie. For example, the drop of blood in The Incredible Hulk was an important plot point, but the effect took way too long to get right. Was it worth it?
For some reason though, the company behind that shot, Image Engine, spent upwards of a year tweaking that scene to get it just right. Now I'm no expert on making movies, but I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest that if Image engine had spent the budget and time that, that scene ended up consuming on something else, like maybe the Hulk kicking Abomination in the sack, the audience would have appreciated it more than an artistic shot of a drop of blood in freefall.
The other effects in this list all have a story behind them as well. Read about them all at Dorkly.

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