Tuesday, April 1, 2014

An Enraged John Boehner Blows Up After Obama Thwarts His Plan To Screw the Uninsured

John Boehner flew into an angry rage after finding out that the next phase in his plan to keep millions uninsured had been derailed by President Obama.

Boehner said,
Last night brought us yet another delay of Obamacare, another deadline made meaningless. You know, if he hasn’t put enough loopholes into the law already, the administration is now resorting to an honor system to enforce it. What the hell is this, a joke?
Listen, this is part of a long-term pattern of this administration manipulating the laws for its own convenience. And it is not hard to understand why the American people question this administration’s commitment to the rule of law.
What Speaker Boehner is so angry about is the fact that the Obama administration won’t screw over people who begin the enrollment process by March 31. According to the HHS blog, “We are ready for consumers. It’s now time for you to check out your options and signup by March 31. And don’t worry, for those consumers who are in line by the March 31st deadline to complete enrollment—either online or over the phone – we’ll make sure you get covered. Just like Election Day, if you are in line when the polls close, you get to vote. We won’t close the door on those who tried to get covered and were unable to do so through no fault of their own. So, those who were in line or had technical problems with the website can quickly come back and sign up as soon as possible.”
What is really ticking repugicans off is that Obama administration is allowing people weren’t able to sign up due to the website issues an extra few weeks to finish the enrollment process.
Boehner and his House repugicans thought that they had it all figured out. They were getting ready for another round of Obamacare “horror stories” based on the people who may have not been able to complete their ACA signups high consumer demand around the deadline, or the previous website issues in October of 2013.
President Obama cut the latest repugican smear campaign off at the knees, and also dealt a death blow to one of the GOP’s favorite complaints about the ACA. The repugicans have argued that Obama has given special waivers to his political friends. They have cried crocodile tears about the unfairness of the little person getting screwed, but when the president wanted to keep enrollment open for the same people that repugicans were claimed to be defending, John Boehner flew into a rage, cussing and moaning about the deadline being enforced.
Obama outsmarted Boehner again, and killed his next line of Obamacare attacks before they could get started. The real reason why Speaker Boehner is angry is because the ACA is working, and there isn’t a damn thing that he can do to stop it.

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