Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Anti-Government Wingnut Militia Considered Using Women as Human Shields

by Allen Clifton
I've made it pretty clear that I'm by no means a fan of the tea party, and I believe their movement to be based on delusional radicalism and dangerous anti-government rhetoric.  I've encountered many tea party supporters living in Texas and they're some of the most hateful, judgmental and misinformed people I've ever met.
While a debate with a "moderate" Republican rarely results in either one of us agreeing on much, a discussion with most tea party supporters is like talking to someone from another planet.
A prime example of this radical lunacy can be seen in Nevada where Cliven Bundy maintained that federal lands in Nevada belonged to the state and not the federal government.
But the shocking part of this whole story isn't just Bundy's anti-federal government ignorance, but a revelation that came to light when former Arizona Sheriff Richard Mack was interviewed on Faux News.  Mack revealed that he and others who had gone down to support Bundy had planned to use women as human shields against the Bureau of Land Management in case officers began shooting.

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