Sunday, April 20, 2014

Astronomical News

It can be stressful being a small asteroid -- not only do they risk collision with the planets any time, they are also slowly being eroded by the sun.
Earth’s finishing touch came with a wallop when a Mars-sized hunk of real estate crashed into the fetal planet some 95 million years after the birth of the solar system -- later than some astronomers thought -- sending up debris that eventually formed moon.
NGC 1316 has a lot of skeletons in its closet -- literally.
When astronauts spend long periods of time in space, their hearts start to become spherical, a new study claims.
Last month's BICEP2 discovery of gravitational waves is compelling evidence for the inflationary period just after the Big Bang. But what if there's another explanation?
A massive black hole has, for the first time, revealed its bling -- a string of star clusters arranged like a stellar String of Pearls.
On Saturday, the sun erupted with an X-class flare, knocking out radio communications for several minutes.

Mars: The Muddy Red Planet?
Some of Mars' lava fields may actually be massive mud flows, indicating that they weren't created by ancient volcanic activity at all.

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