Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Climate change deniers attack philosopher for musing about the debate

Climate change deniers attach philosopher for musing about the debate. 
Climate deniers have attacked a philosopher for pointing out that the funding of the climate deniers could be said to be criminally negligent when there is a 99% consensus amongst scientists that climate change is real.
Here’s a few things that US-based philosopher and academic Lawrence Torcello has been told about global warming over the last couple of weeks
It’s a “lie straight from the Jews”, it “isn’t real”, it’s a “hoax” designed to “enslave people” and it’s an artifact of scientists engaged in a “worldwide collusion to hide the truth”.
Torcello himself was told he was both a “faggot” and a “maggot” but not in the same email. Poets, these correspondents were not (he was also called a fascist and a Stalinist – another chance at a rhyming couplet criminally missed).
Torcello is an assistant professor at Rochester Institute of Technology in New York state who a few days earlier had written a story for The Conversation website.

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