Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Did you know ...

That most Wisconsin repugican senators who voted to restrict early voting have themselves voted early

That in spite of not bailing out the banks, Iceland is on the mend

That the tea partiers want to re-fight 1964

That Democrats need to welcome Democrats to the party

That the Kansas 'retaliation' bill would allow cops to arrest people who complain about cops

According to a former undercover drug officer: why white people don't get busted

That we must stop calling each other 'nazi!

That Amanda Marcotte doesn't want a baby

Here's 9 maps that should outrage southerners

That Toyota pays $1.2 billion for defective accelerator cover-up

That wildflower season in the Rockies is 35 days longer thanks to global warming

That a scrap dealer finds Faberge egg at a flea market

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