Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Did you know ...

the anti-vax dr. who caters to California's rich, new age parents
technology's "bro" problem
science proves homophobes are latent
creationists aren't christians - they're a cult
why whites support the death penalty more than blacks
is the internet killing religion?
how the corporate takeover of america is leaving us empty inside
psychopaths: how to spot one
how banksters got control of the economy
faux news lied about the economy 73% of the time
how the democrats can win back the white working class
how to be a more active progressive in six easy steps
Mississippi tea party candidate defends the sons of the confederacy
10 reasons millennials should be wary of Rand Paul's libertarianism
could America become Mississippi?
France makes it illegal to answer work emails after 6 pm
more evidence the deck is stacked against average Americans
fired yahoo exec made more than the female CEO

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