Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Did you know ...

About the 8 ways privatization has failed America
That a KKK leader says : we're not hateful, we're christian
That corporations don't create jobs, they destroy them
That celebrities should stop playing doctor
About these 8 amazing facts that will alter your sense of time altogether
That the attack on protesting Iraq war vet by police results in million dollar settlement
That 36% of workers have less than $1,000 in their retirement accounts
Just when Americans woke up and realized they got screwed
The police seize a shipment of cocaine addressed to the Vatican
That smoking pot may actually help lung function
That more Americans are being killed by police than by terrorists
That S.C. repugican gov. Nikki Haley violated civil rights when she arrested occupy protestors
About the ageism in silicon valley
That the top 20% of Americans get 33 times more federal subsidies for their retirement than the bottom 20%
About these 10 myths about poverty
About the cities where it takes three full-time jobs to afford an apartment
That blue states are healthier states
About the rape of appalachia
About why some shootings get national attention...and some don't
That budding liberal protest movements begin to take root in the south
... even as the south recedes into the 13th century
About the religio-wingnut's war on the "religion" of secular humanism
Here's more proof corporate tax cuts have done more harm than good
About why the men's rights movement is garbage
About this sad map of where lions used to live vs. where they live now

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