Sunday, April 20, 2014

Editorial Comment

It has been a few weeks since we began our little experiment with having thematic days as opposed to mini-theme sections on each day's postings and it has worked so far - not too many kinks.
While CAROLINA NATURALLY has never been a up to the second with the latest, type of blog we have tried to be somewhat timely and this is what we have noticed that has suffered a bit going to thematic days.
Now our postings are a mixed bag of timely and not so timely items - more so the not so timely posts - we are trying a couple of ideas to alleviate the delays.
Of course if any world shattering things come up we will post them as soon as possible as we have always done. 

So far our readers have liked the format and our readership has begun its yearly spring incline which is coinciding with the new format's unveiling  (OK, so we timed it that way, deal with it).
Since its inception CAROLINA NATURALLY has stair-stepped in readership each year spring through summer and leveling off during the winter at a higher level than the year before.
This year we have already reached the 1 million reader threshold (1,283,780 to be exact) earlier than ever.
And the month of April is not over yet.

Thank you for reading CAROLINA NATURALLY.

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