Tuesday, April 15, 2014

John Boehner Claims That He Is Killing Obamacare By Giving Obama Everything He Wants

boehner-face A desperate and cornered John Boehner is now claiming that he is trying to destroy the ACA by giving President Obama what he wants.
In a bit of high absurdity, Speaker Boehner’s office tried to claim that they are destroying Obamacare:
ObamaCare continues to increase costs, limit options for families and seniors, and undermine small businesses’ efforts to hire more workers. In short, it remains a disaster for families and small businesses. That’s why repugicans remain committed to repealing the law and replacing with better, patient-centered solutions focused on lowering health care costs. House repugicans have passed measures to repeal the full law, as well as other measures to repeal parts of the law (many with Democratic support), in order to protect the American people from the law’s harmful consequences. President Obama has signed into law a number of House repugican cabal measures to repeal, dismantle, or defund specific portions of the law.
On Monday, April 1, 2014, the president did so again, signing the Protecting Access to Medicare Act, legislation that repeals from ObamaCare a harmful provision designed to prop up the law at the expense of families and small employers.
In fact, the exact opposite is true, Boehner and the House repugican leadership have been covertly inserting ACA fixes that the president and Democrats want into bills for months.
The statement from Boehner’s office makes no sense, because Senate Democrats would never pass a bill that repeals, dismantles, or defunds the ACA. The White House would never allow the president to sign a piece of legislation that harmed his signature accomplishment.
After word got out about Boehner giving Obama and the Democrats a fix that they wanted by expanding coverage choices for businesses, the Speaker decided to flat out lie.
Speaker Boehner isn’t harming the ACA. These fixes are helping to improve the law, and deal with unintended consequences.
Boehner’s office is arguing that they are destroying the law by giving President Obama what he wants by helping the ACA to perform better. This argument makes absolutely no sense, but Boehner isn’t going for logic.
House repugicans are trying to keep the uneducated and uninformed masses (Faux News viewers) in the dark. They need to keep up the illusion that they are trying to repeal Obamacare so that their voters show up to vote in November.
House repugicans have spent the last couple of months passing fixes that Obama and the Democrats want. These are what the president has been signing.
John Boehner isn’t destroying Obamacare. He is strengthening it while desperately hoping that repugican voters are too dumb to catch on to how they are being played.

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