Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Knuckle Dragging wingnuts Freak Out Over Hillary Clinton’s Pic with Pussy Riot Going Viral

clinton pussy riot 
Hillary Clinton         @HillaryClinton 
Great to meet the strong & brave young women from #PussyRiot, who refuse to let their voices be silenced in #Russia.

Former Secretary of State, Senator, and First Lady Hillary Clinton posted a picture of herself with Pussy Riot members Maria Alekhina and Nadezhda Tolokonnikova while at the Women in the World Summit in New York. It went viral, with 9,343 retweets and 11,037 favorites, as pointed out by CNN (several days ago).
Naturally, the dimmest of the lunatic fringe is already freaking out because of the P word and Clinton. As we are in early hours of the articles about her viral post, you best buckle your seat belts.
HillaryClinton wrote: “Great to meet the strong & brave young women from #PussyRiot, who refuse to let their voices be silenced in #Russia.”
So here’s a prelude of what 2016 will bring us from the lunatic fringe. Ben Howe, Contributing Editor at Red State, is already hee-hawing it up locker room style:
Ben Howe @BenHowe Follow
The jokes write themselves --> Hillary Clinton poses with Pussy Riot members http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2014/04/07/hillary-clinton-poses-with-pussy-riot-members/ 

Hillary Clinton poses with Pussy Riot members

(CNN) -- A photo of Hillary Clinton and members of the Russian pop band Pussy Riot has gone viral, with more than 9,000 retweets on Twitter and over 10,000 "favorites.
Kevin Liptak @kevinliptakcnn

Because, oh my god, titter, hee-haw, snort, what is funnier than women being sentenced to two years for a song slamming the lunatic fringe’s hero, Putin? Am I right? And then being detained again in Sochi this year. SO FUNNY that Hillary Clinton would care about the freedom of women and girls around the globe.
P word! The jokes, I tell ya’, they are so funny. They write themselves. Also, sometimes people walk into walls because they are too stupid to avoid them.
Scary as this is, Michelle Malkin’s Twitchy had to lay into Ben Howe last year for posting what they viewed as a “sexist” image of Sarah Palin, in which she was photoshopped with Santa.
Howe, knuckles dragging on the ground, cluelessly defended himself/mansplained to the ladies on the right until finally he realized that it was a fake, but still, he announced it wasn’t sexist. Good to know that Ben Howe is the expert on all things sexist and isn’t afraid to tell the ladies what they are allowed to be offended by.
Would jokes about Pussy Riot and Hillary Clinton that “write themselves” be sexist by his standards? I kid. We all know the answer to that one and I don’t think Michelle Malkin’s Twitchy will find this quite as offensive as the image with Sarah Palin and Santa. But in case anyone missed it, it’s not the sexism that’s so offensive. It’s the juvenile stupidity. Not even a faint outline of wit.
I can’t wait for more of this stupidity regarding Ms. Clinton and 2016, especially coming from the folks who insisted that Sarah Palin being asked what she read was sexist. They got outraged when people were concerned that Sarah Palin didn’t understand that the Queen didn’t run England and they wouldn’t be deciding invasions over tea together, but they also don’t think Hillary Clinton is “qualified”, because her husband cheated on her.
… And defining Hillary Clinton by her husband is so not sexist. Never mind her career as a Senator, First Lady, and Secretary of State, which is sort of like quitting your one job midway through only with real responsibilities.
And that is the point here. Instead of discussing Ms. Clinton’s political values, her record, or her policies, we are going to get another crap fest of right wing stupidity, topped off with really ignorant, churlish locker room sniggers about her sex.
Yes, she’s a woman. Get over it, children, before she makes mincemeat out of you.

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