Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Obama Gets The Ultimate Win As repugicans Are Trapped By Their Own ACA Hate

The mainstream media and the repugican cabal can’t answer one simple question. If the ACA is so unpopular, why enrollment surging in nearly every state?
According to the AP:
Beating expectations, President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul  signed up more than 7 million Americans for health insurance on deadline day.
The 7 million target, thought to be out of reach by most experts, was in sight on a day that saw surging consumer interest as well as vexing computer glitches that slowed sign-ups on the HealthCare.gov website.
Two government officials confirmed the milestone, speaking on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the matter ahead of an official announcement.
Seven million was the original target set by the Congressional Budget Office for enrollment in taxpayer-subsidized private health insurance through new online markets created under Obama’s signature legislation.
The repugicans are banking everything on campaigning against the ACA, but their problem is that the support for the ACA has been growing for months.
The repugican cabal waged war against Obamacare with a series of lies. As people find out that the lies were never true, the law gains support. As the law gains support, repugicans keep repeating their lies.
In other words, the repugican cabal has trapped itself in a cycle of Obamacare hate that isn’t evolving with what is happening in the country.
There has always been a basic contradiction in the public polling on the ACA. Those polled have always said that they disapprove of Obamacare, but those same people support the provisions in the ACA.
The repugicans could get away with lying about healthcare law for years, because the law had not taken effect yet, now that people are signing up and getting affordable health insurance, it is obvious that the repugican cabal was never telling the truth.
The people who vote repugican in elections still expect their party to repeal the ACA. Even if the rest of the country benefits from it, repugicans are going to be under immense pressure to destroy Obamacare.
Instead of being a political liability, Obamacare may end up being another issue that makes the repugican cabal look out of step with the rest of the country.
The repugicans are now trapped by their own Obamacare hate.
This dynamic could lead to defining victory for President Obama and the Democrats that have stood by him.

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