Tuesday, April 15, 2014

With One Comment, Newt Gingrich Confirms the Real Goals of the repugican cabal

by Allen Clifton

In politics there's not a lot that liberals and wingnuts can agree on.  It's a problem that only seems to be getting worse as the repugican cabal slips further and further to their lunatic fringe base.  Even in the 90?s, as repugicans spent most of their energy trying to get Bill Clinton kicked out of office, Democrats and repugicans still proved that they could work together to at least get something done.
But there's one issue that I believe should bring both sides together, because it's the one issue that's behind almost all corruption in politics and our government - money.
Unfortunately the Supreme Court doesn't understand that basic level of logic, as they recently made it even easier for money to corrupt politics by allowing citizens to donate to an unlimited number of candidates (though the amount an individual can donate to each candidate is still capped).
Well, if people like Newt Gingrich have their way, donation limits might be done away with as well.  Not only that, but Gingrich also believes that doing away with all forms of campaign finance law (basically allowing people to donate as much money as they want to whomever they want) would even the playing field between the wealthy and middle class.
"And you would overnight equalize the middle class and the rich," Gingrich stated.
If you need a minute to compose yourself after busting out into uncontrollable laughter mixed with disgust, I wouldn't blame you.
To honestly believe that allowing citizens to donate an unlimited amount of money to any politician they want would "equalize" the playing field between the rich and the middle class is ridiculous.

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