Tuesday, May 20, 2014

A Florida Town Has a Choice to Make ...

...Allow Satanic Prayer or Violate Supreme Court Ruling

hell-1Unintended consequences.  That’s generally the moral of the story when it comes to the phrase “be careful what you wish for.”  While wingnuts spend a lot of time trying to interject religion into places it doesn’t belong (most notably government legislation) they fail to understand that our Constitution gives Americans the freedom of religion.  Which can also be freedom from religion.
Recently the Supreme Court made a ruling that would allow prayers before town meetings as they claim these do not violate the Constitution by endorsing a religion.  You see, because these prayers have to be open to all religions, not limited to just one.
Okay, let’s say for the sake of argument that’s legal simply because our Supreme Court says so.  That means that any religions prayer can be said before these meetings – not just christian prayers.  Though I think we all really know what wingnuts mean when they say they want “prayer before meetings.”  They mean christian prayers.  It’s the same thing we see when they want religion in our public schools.  They don’t want all religions, just the christian religion.
Well, a Florida man has decided to exercise this right the Supreme Court has given towns across the United States by asking the town of Deerfield Beach, Florida to open their meetings with a Satanic prayer.
Wait, that’s not what wingnuts meant when they said “religious freedom”?
Chaz Stevens, who is known for forcing Florida to erect an 8-foot-tall Festivus pole made of Pabst Blue Ribbon beer cans next to the town’s nativity scene, has essentially put the town in the precarious position of either allowing a satanic prayer to be said before one of the town’s meetings or violating the Supreme Court’s ruling pertaining to this issue.
Stevens said, “I just want equal billing. We allow various religious nutjobs to give a prayer. They pray to jesus who is make-believe, god who is make-believe, why not satan who is make-believe?”
I have to admit, even though I’m a christian, I find this absolutely hilarious.  The town is essentially in a no-win situation.  If it denies this request it’s essentially violating a ruling that’s been handed down by the Supreme Court.  But it’s clear that those pushing to have prayer during government functions didn’t mean to give religious freedom to all religions, just theirs – which is almost always christianity.
It seems that these wingnut justices on the Supreme Court, in their continued efforts to trample our First Amendment rights, didn’t really think this one through, did they?

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