Saturday, May 31, 2014

Animal News

Zoo giraffes are contributing to a for-sale manure composting program at Michigan's Binder Park Zoo.
Autopsies of the mostly calf and juvenile carcasses found the whales had experienced very poor nutrition.

Slow-Footed Female Scorpions Quicker to Sting
Running speed, or lack thereof, may be at the heart of the swiftness of a female scorpion's sting.
A spider has evolved a successful way to avoid being bothered: it masquerades as an unsavory pile.
Wasps don't have to go to the hardware store for a drill bit. They have their own, which are so cleverly designed that researchers are now trying to duplicate them. Continue reading →
When a goat and donkey are separated, the goat appears ready to let life pass him by. Then the pair are reunited.
The recent discovery of a monstrous fish off the Southern California coast has people buzzing -- what other 'monsters' lurk beneath the waves?
A fossilized tooth dredged from the bottom of the English Channel near Dorset, England, belonged to a formidable Jurassic marine predator and is the largest known tooth of its kind found in the U.K.

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