Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Best Veep Ever!

The legend of Joe Biden continues to grow as the Vice President responded to being invited to the prom by sending a handwritten note and a wrist corsage.
Teen Talia Maselli wrote to Vice President Biden seven months ago, and asked him to the prom. According to the Hartford Courant, she wrote, “I am inviting you so far in advance because I’m sure many 17-year-old girls send you prom invitations, and I had to beat them to it. I could only tolerate a high school dance if I was to be escorted by the most delightful man in America.”
Maselli displayed a firm grasp of partisan politics by warning Biden that if he turned her down she may be forced to ask repugican Speaker of the House John Boehner to be her date. The teen didn’t think anything else of her invite, and was surprised when she got a knock on the door last Thursday morning. A deliveryman handed her a wrist corsage, and a handwritten note from Biden. In part, the note read, “I am flattered, but my schedule will not permit me to be in Connecticut on Friday evening. But I hope you will accept this corsage and enjoy your prom as much as I did mine.” Biden also invited her to visit the White House. Maselli didn’t go to the prom, but she is looking forward to her visit to the White House. Whoever takes over for Biden as vice president is going to have a tough act to follow. Joe Biden has had some of the typical vice president gaffe moments, but he also brought the sort of regular guy charm that hasn’t been seen around the White House in decades. Joe Biden seems to be having a blast as vice president, and while those dreams of occupying the Oval Office appear to remain strong, he has carved himself as both vice president and a pop culture icon. Biden’s gift was probably better than anything Boehner would have sent, as a fifth of Wild Turkey and carton of Camels aren’t appropriate prom gifts.

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