Monday, May 19, 2014

China's Strange Proposal For An Undersea Train That Connects To The U.S.

Chinese inventors are known for their wild ideas, like gun powder, ice cream and the compass, but now that China has established itself as an industrial superpower they’re taking those wild ideas to the end of the line.
A report in the Beijing Times states that China is developing a plan to build an 8,000+ mile railroad connecting China to Russia, Canada and the United States, with an over 125 mile stretch spanning the Bering Strait…along the bottom of the ocean.
This bold proposal may not seem like such a bad idea until you consider that the “proposed undersea route would be more than five times longer than the current longest underwater tunnel, the one under the English Channel", not to mention the mountains of red tape to wade through and billions of dollars needed to pull off such a feat of railroad engineering.
If railroads were made of dreams China would have a line that stretches clear to the moon and back...

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