Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Court Finds Nikki Haley Violated Protesters' Civil Rights

Why is it tea partiers are always raving on and on about the Constitution but they rarely, if ever, follow it? Remember when Bobby Jindal hilariously tried to shred the Constitution when MoveOn exposed his deadly and pathetic refusal to expand Medicaid? That blew up in his face when a court sided with MoveOn and Jindal had to face political consequences of not just being a murderer, but a sourpuss Governor who can't take criticism. Well now another repugican has just been smacked on the wrist for their unconstitutional acts. A federal appeals court ruled a few days ago on Monday that South Carolina's Nikki Haley can be sued for violating the civil rights of Occupy Columbia protesters who she had removed from the Statehouse grounds and arrested back in 2011.
Because the protesters were annoying Mrs. Haley, she issued the Bureau of Protective Services to arrest the Occupy members on their camp sight who were on statehouse property past 6 p.m. The officers, on direct orders of Haley, placed zip ties on the wrists on the protesters, arrested them and subsequently took them to Alvin S. Glenn Detention Center. The case was taken to court last December.
Circuit Judge Stephanie D Thacker wrote in her decision that:
    "In light of the case law from this circuit and from the Supreme Court, it was clearly established on November 16, 2011, that arresting Occupy Columbia for protesting on State House grounds after 6:00 p.m. was a First Amendment violation."
    "It is not disputed that South Carolina and its state officials could have restricted the time when the State House grounds are open to the public with a valid time, place, and manner restriction. However, as explained above, at the time of Occupy Columbia's arrest, no such restrictions existed."

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