Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Dear wingnuts: Thanks for Being Horrible

Plato said, "One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors." And so, conservatives, you deserve the nation's gratitude for being so horrible. There is no possible way people of reason can sit by and let you continue to gain power. Thank you for shaking America out of its apathy.
Your constant screaming grates on our nerves, conservatives. But instead of winning us to your side it has set us against you. Every day, there's yet another outraged right winger screaming on the television, on the Internet or on the radio. It no longer matters to us what you are screaming about, just that you are. That you are wrong is a given.
Oh, what's that? You need examples, conservatives? You don't see how you're wrong? Very well.
You rage against the government, exclaiming how much you hate it while trying to gain that same power for yourselves. You claim to want smaller government while trying to get it involved in every American bedroom. You expect us to believe a woman cannot make reproductive decisions by herself, but want everyone to be subject to whims of the corporate world.
You have shown us, over and over again, that American lives are not worth as much as the dollar. We see you explain why the schoolchild should not get lunch, why the sick and disabled must not get care, and why the poor are lazy. We see you tank the economy, blame someone else, and then cut lifelines for those you ruined with the decisions you can't take responsibility for.
wingnuts rail about wasteful government spending. But how many billions of dollars did you waste with your fruitless ACA repeals? How many more billions did you waste when you shut down the country when you didn't get your way? The only thing the least productive Congress in history can do is throw loud, expensive, and pointless screaming tantrums.
And what heroes you pick, wingnuts! An old, white, rich duck call maker, railing against LGBT Americans. An old, white, rich, draft dodging pedophile former rocker, threatening to kill your president after calling him "sub-human." An old, rich, white rancher, thumbing his nose at the government over fees he owes, rallying whack jobs with high powered firearms to his side to hide behind women until he reveals his blatant racism.
You whine that you aren't racists, but you laud them, and harbor hate groups in your midst. You cry that you're sick of the shrub being rightfully blamed for the mess the nation is in while you constantly scream it's "Obama's fault." You moan about being vilified while spitting "Liberal" at your opponents like a swear word.

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