Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Did you know ...

That the CDC finds that women prefer having dogs to having babies
Why  science?
That Trayvon Martin is happening agian
And welcome to scarfolk...we hope you survive
That veterans languish and die on VA's secret hospital twist
That Democrats that move to the right lose elections
That privatized schools hurt poor kids
About re-segregation and the rollback of affirmative action
Why blogging and twitter are making us smarter
And yet, technological law will soon be re-shaped by people who don't use email
That this moronic creationist insists Noah had dinosaurs on the ark
That nearly 50 people have been busted for dancing on the subway this year
Why is the media so silent about mental illness?
These 24 species of shark that have killed fewer people than Jack Bauer
That Minneapolis renames Columbus Day as Indigenous Peoples Day
About the NRA vs. moms
About the invisible warrior report:  easy to be hard
That a couple married 70 years die 15 hours apart

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