Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Did you know ...

That JP Morgan admits trickle down economics  has completely failed
That New Jersey rejects Atheist license plates, accepts baptist ones
That the heartland institute misquotes George Carlin; gets royally busted
That the daily caller is servicing the creepy old dude demographic
About life as a McDonalds worker
That the prop 8 defense attorney reveals his daughter is gay and getting married
That China bans the Big Bang Theory and 3 other shows
About these 25 companies that spent more on lobbyists than taxes
That Obamacare is outselling playstation 4
That the repugicans would prefer a minimum wage of zero dollars per hour
That Matt Drudge deletes tweet incorrectly claiming clippers owner is a Democrat
That the majority of doctors think marijuana should be legal
That more than a fifth of America's children go hungry
That America's middle class is no longer the world's richest
These 6 studies prove everything repugicans know is wrong
That Apple's new commercial features a song about a large penis
That Indiana and Tennessee have the most meth labs
That New York City is considering a $15/hr minimum wage
That Paul Ryan wouldn't let poor people testify at a hearing on poverty
About gun rights as a cultural touchstone
About the progressive revolt in American cities
That this court reporter really, really hated his job
That in the new Star Wars movies: who needs girls?
About the private prison industry's alarming spread across America
About how the obscenely wealthy are strangling our democracy
That NYC cops get drunk and shoot civilians

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