Saturday, May 10, 2014

Dyson’s Dock

Area 51′s Super Secret ‘Museum’
A museum is a place where things are put on display, so how can a museum be “secret?” In this case, it’s when the collection of things are classified government projects from Groom Lake, the testing facility at the mysterious Area 51 in Nevada.
Dyson’s Dock’s precise function remains unclear, but the most likely explanation suggests that it’s a storage facility for projects that have run their course but aren’t ready to be unveiled publicly. Its location is thought to be within Area 51′s massive Hangar 18 complex (top), possibly in a lower bay beneath office space on the west side of the building.

Some references to Dyson’s Dock point to a classified museum, where base workers with the appropriate security clearance can view past projects in all their glory – essentially a warehouse full of planes that you and I will never get to see, despite many of them likely being rather conventional in design. Others, however, assert that projects remain segregated, and that few people are cleared to view all of them.
But there are other explanations of what Dyson’s Dock is and who can visit it, plus some speculation of what may be inside, at Urban Ghosts.

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