Friday, May 30, 2014

Editorial Comment

We here at Carolina Naturally have been conducting an experiment with daily thematic posts for the past couple of months as are older readers know.
There has been positive results overall.
However, certain themes were more difficult than others to fill out the daily postings for as a consequence we have decided to return to the original mode of daily postings albeit with a twist.
Beginning tomorrow we will continue to post thematic daily postings on the schedule that has been established over the last two months in the context that each day's posting shall be varied with the lion's share of the variances being that day's 'theme'.
To wit, Sunday will still be mostly Science posts - Monday will remain Open - Tuesday will still be Political - Wednesday will stay about the Earth - Thursday will retain it's History - Friday will go to the Animals and Saturday will be Wild and Free.
This change will make Carolina Naturally more timely with it's postings (and make it easier on the volunteer staff submitting pieces for posts and the editors in editing and posting the blog).
Thank you for being Carolina Naturally readers.

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