Saturday, May 3, 2014

Finally! Shopping Center Introduces Passing Lane

I'm a fast walker. When I'm moving around, I'm trying to get at my destination, not enjoy the scenery. So shopping can be a frustrating experience when I get stuck behind someone waddling down the middle of a walkway at 1 MPH. This problem is especially aggravating when shopping carts are involved.
A mall in Sheffield, UK is now taking a bold stand against the human speed bumps that cause so much frustration for good and decent people in the world. After reading a complaint letter by 10-year old Chloe Nash-Lowe (who deserves some sort of Nobel Prize for her efforts), the managers of the Meadowhall Shopping Centre have created a passing lane. When you want to get around traffic clogs, get into the fast lane.
Now let's spread this great idea to sidewalks, grocery stores, and hallways everywhere. Forward!

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