Saturday, May 17, 2014

Hospitals are safer places to be with Obamacare

The Affordable Care Act prevented 15,000 hospital-related deaths in 2012, the Department of Health and Human Services reports. It's also saved $4.1 billion in costs, and prevented 560,000 hospital-related injuries in 2011 and 2012. That means more than half a million fewer falls, bad drug reactions, or hospital-based infections.
The law has also significantly reduced hospital readmissions. Between 2007-11, the 30-day hospital readmission rate held at 19 percent, and has dropped to 17.5 percent last year. The bottom line there is 150,000 fewer Medicare patients being readmitted in the last two years, and that's where much of the savings come in. The administration attributes these big improvements to public-private partnerships launched by the new law.
    "We applaud the nationwide network of hospital systems and providers that are working together to save lives and reduce costs," said HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius.  "We are seeing a simultaneous reduction in hospital readmissions and injuries, giving patients confidence that they are receiving the best possible care and lowering their risk of having to be readmitted to the hospital after they get the care they need."
There's an awful lot of really good news for Obamacare these days, from big savings to 90 percent of people paying their first insurance premiums to less people dying or being hurt in hospitals. And that's a lot of bad news for repugicans.

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