Tuesday, May 6, 2014

In a New Low For The Desperate Senate repugican Mitch McConnell Mocks Children

Mitch McConnell, Rand Paul
Mitch McConnell (r-KY) has taken flailing to a new level. Displaying a disturbing lack of character, Team Mitch will lash out wildly at anyone, including women and now children.
After the McConnell team attacked Alison Grimes for being a woman, I noted that the repugican didn’t seem to be promoting family values, since his message to women and girls was “stay home or else bully boys will make fun of you for your gender”. That was pretty low. But they’ve sunk to a new low.
The McConnell team attacked his repugican challenger’s children after they starred in an ad for their father, tea party candidate Matt Bevin. Bevin’s daughter Olivia is seen in the ad warning Kentuckians not to be fooled by the “bunch of lies” McConnell is telling about her father.
Team Mitch tweeted, “I was waiting for ‘My dad went to MIT!’” This is considered a jab given that Bevin was busted for claiming he went to MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology ) when he actually attended a 3 week seminar.
When busted by reporters, Team Mitch quickly deleted the tweet and wouldn’t respond to questions about it. (Hit and runs scream “ready to lead”.)
Joe Sonka, News Editor at LEO Weekly, busted the Senator:
McConnell’s Democratic opponent’s campaign was quick to note that McConnell cried foul when his own family was attacked. “Just last year, Mitch McConnell declared that political shots on opponents’ family members should be off-limits, and I hope someone reminds the Senator of that,” Grimes spokeswoman Charly Norton said in a statement. “His campaign’s tasteless attack on Mr. Bevin’s daughters is out of bounds. Innocent children should never be mocked just to benefit the campaign of a 30-year Washington insider.”
It’s tough to claim you’re the party of traditional family values when you run around mocking women and children, since they make up the majority of the “family” in family. What’s really going on is the “family values” mask is being painfully peeled away in a very public way, as McConnell lets his desperation and his campaign’s consistently juvenile foolishness preside over good judgment.
Of course, repugicans don’t really care about families, unless they can use this as an excuse to control women and starve children. But most Americans aren’t aware of this hypocrisy. Perhaps Mitch McConnell’s real goal is to expose the repugican cabal as anti-family values, in which case, well done, Sir.
McConnell is leaving himself wide open to be hit hard on this, especially by Alison Grimes, whose first ad presented the Democrat as strongly centered around her family, the good granddaughter of a strong matriarch, someone with a strong moral center, and a dedicated mother figure of the people. These are qualities that are highly relatable and attractive to traditional Southern voters.
McConnell mocks Grimes for the very thing that is one of her major strengths, and now his people are attacking children as if he’s dead set on proving that of the three candidates, he is definitely not the best one to care for the family/voters. He’s becoming the crazy, angry uncle no one wants to invite to Xtmas, but host out of pity and for love of family.

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