Saturday, May 24, 2014

Intoxicated mother whose baby fell from stroller pleaded guilty

A mother from Tomball, Houston, pleaded guilty on May 19 to felony charges of child endangerment.
Sandra Luann Grohmann, 29, was arrested by the Humble Police Department on April 22 after she was reportedly pushing her baby while drunk along a Humble roadway which caused the child to fall out of the stroller. In a plea bargain arrangement, Grohmann pled guilty and was sentenced to 180 days in state jail.
Humble PD was first called to the scene by witnesses at around 6pm who had allegedly seen Grohmann pushing her baby in stroller in a grassy median. “The witnesses saw Grohmann pushing the stroller about five feet away from the roadway when she fell for the first time partially knocking her unrestrained child out of the stroller,” Humble Police Detective Sergeant Mike Flynt said after the April arrest.
“She then tried to get back up and put the baby back in the stroller when she fell again causing the baby to fall all the way out of the stroller and roll into the grass. She then tried to get back up, falling for the third time.” Humble PD, at that time, determined that Grohmann was intoxicated and that the child was in imminent danger since she was pushing the baby in a stroller, unrestrained, close to a busy roadway.

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