Saturday, May 24, 2014

Man Calls 911: "Where Can I Get Some Marijuana?"

Let's say that it's early in the morning and you're in the mood to get stoned. But you don't have any marijuana on hand. What do you do? Well, obviously, you should call 911. That's what one man in Washington County, Oregon did on May 1. Here's a selection from the transcript:
Man: Where can I get some marijuana?
911: Excuse me?
Man: Where can I buy some marijuana this morning?
911: Do you realize you called the police department?
Man: No I didn’t. That’s very interesting. Well, let me ask you the same question. (long pause) It’s a legitimate question.
911: Which question is that?
Man: Where can I buy some marijuana this morning?
The dispatcher said that she didn't know where he could get marijuana. The caller politely thanked her and hung up. Later, Hillsboro police visited him.
I can easily imagine this as a reference question at a library. In fact, if I was a professor at a library school, I'd use this question in a role-playing session while teaching reference interviewing.

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