Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Ohio repugicans trying to prevent college athletes from unionizing

The repugicans are always all about markets and free choice right up until they're not, and the moment they're not somehow always turns out to be about workers choosing to join together to get more from their employers, or women exercising control over their own bodies. So it's not a big surprise that Ohio repugicans are trying to prevent athletes at state colleges and universities from unionizing.Northwestern University is currently appealing a National Labor Relations Board decision that its football players are employees who are eligible to unionize. That decision would only apply to private universities, though, so the Ohio legislature is trying to be proactive about keeping the state's college athletes fully exploitable:
    An Ohio House committee added an amendment to a state budget bill  that says students attending state universities in Ohio "are not public employees based upon participating in athletics for the state university."

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