Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Senate repugicans throw yet another temper tantrum

Senate repugicans are in the middle of another one of their patented temper tantrums, grinding the chamber to a halt over a dispute about offering amendments to a tax cut bill that's on the floor. As is often the case, repugicans say they actually support the bill-but are nonetheless demanding concessions over process.
    "If our guys are getting shut out, I think it's awfully hard to be for this process, even though most of us support the bill," said Sen. John Thune (S.D.), a member of both repugican cabal leadership and the Finance panel.
Getting shut out? Really? This is a bipartisan bill to extend business tax breaks and it's sponsored by Democratic Sen. Ron Wyden and repugcian Sen. Orrin Hatch. That's hardly what you call getting shut out of the process. But yet even Hatch is flipping out:
    "It's more important to assert our rights than to do anything else," said Hatch, the top repugican on the Finance Committee.
Apparently, they won't be happy unless they can do things like approve the Keystone pipeline and repeal parts of Obamacare in the legislation as well. Because even though they support the legislation, and even though most senators think the legislation is a good idea, that's not enough for them. Because, in the words of Orrin Hatch, nothing is more important than for Senate repugicans to "assert" their rights.

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