Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The repugicans Fundraise on the Benghazi Dead While Disrespecting the Family’s Wishes

Glen D
Fresh off the 2012 death of her son, Massachusetts native Glen Doherty’s mother shamed the repugican presidential nominee Mitt Romney and the repugican cabal for trying to use her son’s death for their political agenda. She told them in no uncertain terms to knock it off. So now they’re literally fundraising off of his death.
In October of 2012, the Boston Globe ran Glen Doherty’s mother’s statement:
Mitt Romney will stop telling a story on the campaign trail of meeting Glen Doherty, the Winchester native and retired Navy SEAL who was killed last month in Libya, after Doherty’s mother accused the repugican presidential nominee of attempting to use her son’s death for political gain.
Earlier, Doherty’s mother, Barbara Doherty of Woburn, questioned the former Massachusetts governor’s motives for talking about her son.
“I don’t trust Romney,” she told WHDH-TV. “He shouldn’t make my son’s death part of his political agenda. It’s wrong to use these brave young men, who wanted freedom for all, to degrade Obama.”
This wasn’t just for Mitt Romney. This was aimed at the cabal using her son as a political prop. How tragic that she felt so strongly compelled against Romney’s insincere claims that she had to come forward with such a statement in the middle of her fresh grief.
Years later, repugicans are now using the death of Glen and the three other Americans killed in the Benghazi attacks on the 9/11 anniversary to raise money for their party. Even Joe Scarborough finds their craven abuse of tragedy “disgusting”. The fact that the cabal machine is behind this speaks to the recklessness and thoughtlessness of the repugican cabal’s current decision to once again use these four tragically murdered men for political gain and fundraising.
The repugicans will pick at still fresh wounds and campaign on the dead, while simultaneously disrespecting the family’s wishes again. They excuse this by pretending that they just want the truth, but they have betrayed that claim by cherry picking testimony, ignoring the facts determined by their own repugican-led House Armed Services Committee, planting lies in the press in order to further their own fictionalized version of Benghazi, and grandstanding while hunting for bullets to destroy Hillary Clinton instead of focusing on recommendations based on their previous investigations. How is that helping the families? It’s not. It’s only dragging them through even more pain.
Leah Burton, who was a colleague of Mr. Doherty at the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, confirmed for me that not only would Mr. Doherty not have supported Mitt Romney but he was a dedicated supporter of President Obama, and indeed many things that Democrats stand for, including gay rights and religious freedom.
Mitt Romney wasn’t running around claiming ownership of U.S. Ambassador to Libya J. Christopher Stevens like he was of Doherty, but repugicans are still raising money off of the tragic deaths of the four slain in the Benghazi attacks. That’s shameful on its own, yet it’s unclear that the four human beings they are using as fundraising fodder would even support what repugicans stand for.
Stevens worked hard to combat the very anti-muslim sentiment the repugican cabal caters to to get out the vote. He graduated from UC Berkley. Stevens was described in GQ as an “idealist”.
No one’s death should be used as fundraising fodder, but especially not when they were opposed to much that the cabal using them stands for. They aren’t here to speak for themselves and ask to not be the face of fundraising for the repugican cabal. I can’t imagine the horror and pain this is bringing to Doherty’s family, again. It’s beyond shameful.
The repugicans can keep abusing the institution of the U.S. House and abusing the taxpayers as they deliberately manufacture sound bites for their 2014 campaign ads with their Benghazi “investigations” aimed at pre-emptively destroying undeclared front runner Hillary Clinton. Sure, they’re wasting money and resources and going McCarthy again, but that’s what they do in order to avoid discussing ideas and policies.
But when repugicans use and abuse a warrior who made the ultimate sacrifice for his country, and who stood for freedom for all and not just the few, repugicans have gone too far.
The implication in repugicans claiming to be Benghazi watchdogs is that only repugicans care about the tragic deaths of these brave Americans. And that is despicable and cheap on its own. But they cross a line when they violate the express wishes of the family once again, and instead deepen the wound by using death as a cash grab.
The repugicans don’t get to appropriate the dead and use them as political props. They don’t own our troops, our wounded warriors, or those who paid the ultimate sacrifice, just like they don’t own family, god, patriotism, security, or christianity.
Shame on you, repugicans. Shame on you.

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