Friday, May 30, 2014

White peacock devoured by zoo's polar bear

One of two polar bears at Schönbrunn Zoo in Vienna, Austria, stunned onlookers over the weekend by devouring a white peacock which flew into its enclosure.
The pair of polar bears only arrived at the world's oldest zoo a fortnight ago to take up residence in the newly completed compound. Both are two years old. Female, Lynn, had come from Holland, the male, Ranzo, from Finland.
Visitors were shocked to witness Lynn demolish the hapless bird, leaving nothing but a couple of feathers, before retiring for an afternoon nap. Peacocks are free to roam throughout the grounds of the former imperial menagerie.
It appears the unfortunate bird had taken a shine to the bear's new enclosure during the two and a half year construction period, and clearly had no idea its new residents weren't vegetarians.

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