Monday, June 30, 2014

Astronomical News

When Martian layers of ice and dust become dislodged, they can create dramatic block falls that can be spotted from orbit.
NASA's next-generation spaceship has successfully completed its most challenging test to date: being dropped from a plane at 35,000 feet (6.6 miles) and parachuting to Earth safely. 
Scientists are attempting to map Pluto's icy depths using old telescope data before a NASA spacecraft reaches the distant dwarf planet in 2015.
Nine months after unveiling plans for high-altitude balloon rides -- high enough for passengers to see the curvature of Earth against the blackness of space -- World View has successfully tested a one-tenth size mockup.
For the first time, three supermassive black holes have been discovered in a tight orbital dance inside the center of a galaxy 4 billion light-years away.
Astronomers aren't being poetic when they say this star is a diamond.
It's funny when two seemingly distant theories conspire to destroy the Universe.
Jupiter's largest moons don't go completely dark when the giant planet blocks their sunlight, astronomers have found.

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