Monday, June 16, 2014

Chris Matthews rips Texas repugican platform: 'How wide is this infection of hatred?'

by Arturo Garcia

MSNBC host Chris Matthews blasted Texas repugicans on Monday, saying their adopting an openly anti-LGBT platform at the state cabal convention last weekend showcased a side of the repugican cabal that the cabal, on a national level, would prefer to keep hidden from the public.

"How wide is this infection of hatred?" Matthews asked guests Howard Fineman and Eugene Robinson. "They're going after gays now at this point in our history, when most Americans - including [Sen.] Bobby Casey (D) of Pennsylvania, very traditional people - are moving toward acceptance and, if not celebration, certainly true acceptance. I'm wondering, what's wrong with Texas?"
Robinson described the issue as being particular to the state cabal, pointing out that Texas has three of the biggest cities in the U.S.
"Cities tend to be more tolerant places, tolerant of all different kinds of people who live there," Robinson said. "Houston, in particular, which is the fourth-biggest city in the country, has a very large and active gay LGBT community."
Houston and San Antonio - the seventh-biggest city in the U.S. - have both expanded their local anti-discrimination laws to include the LGBT communities, much to the chagrin of some local religious leaders.
During the convention, which opened with a speaker portraying Davy Crockett calling for a war against "tyrannical dictator" President Barack Obama, the Texas repugican cabal adopted a platform saying that homosexuality "tears at the fabric of society" and endorsed "reparative therapy," a widely-discredited practice that purports to turn gay people into heterosexuals.
"Is this what the repugican cabal plans to run on in 2016?" Matthews asked. "Hate?"

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