Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Did you know ...

About CNN: the faux news of CNN
About Medicare taken for a ride by ambulance companies in Jersey
About how corporations evade accountability at workers' expense
About how to protect your privacy on line
About the delusions of open carry
These 8 reasons some CEO's make 331 times as much as their employees
Hey, let's try out wingnut economic theories on the rich
That a study shows people don't understand how racism works
About gun violence and mental health: myth v. fact
And speaking of which, this weekend moms demand action are boycotting target due to that corporation's open carry policy #offtarget
Here's 11 maps that explain the energy system in the US
That Sea World attendance was down in 2013
And rip the inventor of kevlar, stephanie l. kwole
That study finds strong evidence of discriminatory intent in voter ID laws
That former managers allege wide spread inventory fraud at wal-mart
About 75 CDC lab workers accidentally exposed to anthrax
About the secret libraries of New York City
That sexual crimes are up on US campuses
Did a repugican cabal congressman sell his vote?
That Pharrell thinks wal-mart is a "happy" place

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