Saturday, June 28, 2014

Did you know ...

The NYPD is still jailing minorities for pot
That obesity is linked to long-term unemployment
About the record number of ice flows off the coast of Newfoundland
Here's 10 scientific ideas that scientists wish you would stop misusing
About the real wait times at the VA (hint: not what CNN says)
That judges with daughters tend to rule in favor of women's rights
About the repugican cabal's Twinkies subsidy
These "things I am afraid of thanks to Doctor Who"
About how chemistry can save you from the zombie apocalypse
About doing for the poor and to the poor
That Amazon's labor practices will be investigated
About the science of medicinal leeches
That it's not the motive, it's the gun
That the rich get richer as the poor slowly crawl out of poverty
About the bible verses atheists love

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