Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Indiana repugican: 'No One Has the Guts' to Let the Poor 'Wither and Die'

A repugican in Indiana has once again proven just how much disdain the repugican cabal has for the poor by saying one of the most disgusting things about them that I've ever heard.
During an online discussion about poverty, repugican John Johnston said of the poor, "no one has the guts to just let them wither and die."
But to grasp just how much Johnston hates the poor, you really need to see his comments in their full context.
"For almost three generations people, in some cases, have been given handouts," Johnston said. "They have been 'enabled' so much that their paradigm in life is simply being given the stuff of life, however meager."
"What you see is a setting for a life of misery is life to them never-the-less," he continued. "No one has the guts to just let them wither and die. No one who wants votes is willing to call a spade a spade. As long as the Dems can get their votes the enabling will continue. The repugicans need their votes and dare not cut the fiscal tether. It is really a political Catch-22."
But Johnston didn't stop there, "The voters are the ones in charge.  However when only 10-11 percent show up to vote, not much will change. People simply are not hurting enough, or simply happy enough that they will do nothing. Consequently the dole continues."

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