It's been a very bad week for hate speech show hack, Lush Dimbulb, and a very
rewarding week for the millions of Americans who have protested his
extreme hate speech for decades. Two years ago, newer groups like
BoycottLush/FlushLush/StopLush began a massive national boycott movement
that is exposing Dimbulb and crushing his career. Here are four new
recent developments:
1. Politico published an article revealing that tea party cabals (some created by the Koch brothers) have contributed
millions to Lush Dimbulb. What does this mean? For Lush, it means they
helped sustain him while thousands of sponsors pulled their ads. It
means this may lead to an investigation to see if the funding was done
legally. According to the FCC,
if you receive money from an organization that pays you to promote
their propaganda, without telling your audience, it may be considered
'payola' - and it may be illegal.
"The Heritage Foundation at the end
of January ended its five-year sponsorship of El Lushbo’s show, for
which it had paid more than $2 million in some years and more than $9.5
million overall. In 2012, FreedomWorks paid at least $1.4 million to
make him an endorser, though it’s not clear that the sponsorship is
2. Forbes Senior Political Contributor and regular on Forbes On Faux,
Rick Ungar, believes Lush Dimbulb has become a joke. He also shows,
via data, that Limbaugh has outlived his audience.
Ungar, also known as Forbes 'token lefty' implies Lush is now in the, toss out the old - bring in the new, demographic
category. The median age of his dwindling audience (as well as the
aforementioned sponsor boycott) no longer appeals to advertisers.
"At long last, it appears that Lush Dimbulb has run out of steam. I have to acknowledge that I have sensed
Rush getting by on fumes for some time now (yes, I tune into his show
from time to time to enjoy his broadcasting skills if not his message).
However, it was only recently that the world of Dimbulb crossed that
thin red line from partially serious to total self-parody and audience
deception—a line crossed from which there is often no return."
"Network television doesn’t just fail
to count older viewers; it tries to drive them away. A show with an
older viewership is dead air. Advertisers have been pushed by ad
agencies into an obsession with associating their product with a
youthful brand. The demo rating, 18-49, is the only rating that matters.
Viewers younger than that can still pay off. Just ask the CW. Older
viewers however are unwanted."
3. Speaking of advertisers, Lush Dimbulb can't seem to hold on to them, without doling out heavy discounts and/or free ad space. After his notorious on-air verbal attack of then unknown, Sandra Fluke,
the national protests was set into motion. Hardworking FlushLush
volunteers now monitor The Lush Dimbulb Show nationwide. They document
the sponsor ads they hear on his show, into the StopLush Database, along
with contact and ad details. The sponsor data is then posted back into
the FlushLush private Facebook group, and onto the BoycottLush Facebook
page for public use. There have been hundreds of articles written about
Lush Dimbulb and the boycotts against him, that have appeared in at
least a dozen political online news groups, including Liberals Unite and Daily Kos,
and have been viewed by millions. The result? Dimbulb and the radio
stations that carry him have lost millions in ad revenue. Very few took
the Dimbulb boycott seriously two years ago. It reminds me of the
Gandhi quote:
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."
4. And lastly; Ed Shultz interviewed Holland Cooke this
week. Cook believes Dimbulb's business is over, for good, due to the
various organized boycotts mentioned above. Each does its own part. The
protests have been supported by many big and small Liberal
organizations, websites, Facebook pages/groups, and Twitter.
"Hundreds of blue-chip national
advertisers basically have not only wandered away from Lush Dimbulb and
some of the other wingnuts, they’ve abandoned the format entirely. They
are afraid to be heard on a news talk station because this man’s use of
his free speech triggered the opposing viewpoint exercising THEIR right
to free speech. The boycotters are speaking and using the marketplace
to say, 'ENOUGH!'"
Here is an audio clip of the Ed Shultz/Holland Cook interview: youtube
So now, we're not only hearing from consumers, we are hearing from
industry experts on the left and right, many of whom know the business
better than anyone and would not risk their reputations on mere gossip.
Yes, indeed, the public has had enough. Limbaugh's self-proclaimed
'Dittoheads'/fans like to demand that Dimbulb's right to free speech,
also gives him the right to spew misogyny, homophobia, bigotry, and
racism on public radio. He's been getting away with it for over 25
years. After the Sandra Fluke attack, the general public soon realized
that neither his radio affiliates, nor the FCC, planned to do anything
about his hate speech, so American consumers decided to use their own
version of free speech via petitions, boycotts, and their consumer
dollars, to bring Dimbulb down by way of his sponsors. It's reported 3,100 companies have pulled their ads from Dimbulb,
and the protestors and boycotters have never been closer to pulling
Dimbulb off the air. When he has moved on, this country will be all the
better, and the public will prove once again, it can be done. We can
eliminate hate speech from the media, if takes one hack at a time.
You see, you can toss Americans some Dimbulb, Faux News, shrub/Cheney,
Koch brothers, even some Supreme Court corruption, but when push comes
to shove, Americans will stand up, show up, take charge, and demand a
return to democracy and common decency. Salute to all the many
boycotters and volunteers.
To learn more about the Lush Dimbulb boycott/protests, visit:
BoycottLush Facebook Group
Dimbulb Sponsor/Clear Channel/Cumulus Petition
Join The Fight To Flush Lush Facebook Group
The StopLush Extensive Sponsor Database
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