Thursday, June 26, 2014

Mississippi tea party Candidate Refuses To Concede In Furious Post-Election Speech

Sore Loser 
(but then again he is a wingnut so it goes without saying since he cheated as all wingnuts do and still lost ...) 
Chris McDanielA furious Chris McDaniel refused to concede the repugican nomination for U.S. Senate to incumbent  Thad Cochran on Tuesday night, casting a pall of illegitimacy on Cochran's win in a heated runoff battle.
In an approximately nine-minute long speech after multiple news outlets had handed victory to Cochran, McDaniel accused his intra-party opponents of "abandoning the wingnut movement" to win — without ever mentioning Cochran by name.
"There’s something strange about a repugican primary that’s decided by liberal Democrats," McDaniel said, after he was introduced by a supporter as "the repugican nominee" for Senate.
"It's our job to make sure the sanctity of the vote is upheld."
The possible next steps for the McDaniel campaign are unclear, but spokesman for McDaniel said to "stay tuned."
McDaniel said in his speech there were "dozens of irregularities" reported at polls. 
"You've heard the stories," he said, when supporters began shouting, "Tell us!"
The  final three weeks of the nasty campaign  the race featured a back-and-forth, racially charged battle over the state's voting laws.
Cochran had sought to save his Senate seat by expanding the electorate, particularly by turning out non-traditional repugican cabal primary voters including black Democrats. Mailers supporting Cochran accused the tea party of trying to suppress the black vote on Tuesday by, among other things, sending so-called poll watchers to election spots.
"Before this race ends, we have to be certain that the repugican primary was won by repugican voters," McDaniel said.

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